This tracks the confirmed coronavirus cases as a percent of the population for each state in the USA.
States are listed in order by those with the highest percentage of the population with confirmed coronavirus COVID-19.
(To see the rate of increase for US COVID-19 cases, see this, or rate of increase for US COVID-19 deaths, see this. Or see coronavirus deaths as a percent of the population for each state, or more coronavirus trackers here.)
Below the bar chart, you will find the table of numbers in case you prefer to see the actual data. Jump down there. Or, jump down to see the source of this data.
Note: Data as of October 16, 2021.
North Dakota | 762,062 | 141,302 | 18.54206 % |
Tennessee | 6,829,174 | 1,233,914 | 18.06828 % |
Alaska | 731,545 | 126,893 | 17.34589 % |
South Carolina | 5,148,714 | 883,982 | 17.16899 % |
South Dakota | 884,659 | 149,996 | 16.95523 % |
Florida | 21,477,737 | 3,623,046 | 16.86884 % |
Arkansas | 3,017,804 | 506,573 | 16.78615 % |
Wyoming | 578,759 | 97,137 | 16.78367 % |
Mississippi | 2,976,149 | 497,790 | 16.72598 % |
Rhode Island | 1,059,361 | 176,405 | 16.65202 % |
Alabama | 4,903,185 | 813,481 | 16.59087 % |
Utah | 3,205,958 | 529,253 | 16.50842 % |
Kentucky | 4,467,673 | 730,153 | 16.34303 % |
Louisiana | 4,648,794 | 751,874 | 16.17353 % |
Oklahoma | 3,956,971 | 631,872 | 15.96858 % |
Arizona | 7,278,717 | 1,131,976 | 15.55186 % |
Idaho | 1,787,065 | 276,922 | 15.49591 % |
Montana | 1,068,778 | 164,846 | 15.42378 % |
Iowa | 3,155,070 | 472,331 | 14.97054 % |
Georgia | 10,617,423 | 1,579,662 | 14.87802 % |
Indiana | 6,732,219 | 999,870 | 14.85201 % |
Wisconsin | 5,822,434 | 850,140 | 14.60111 % |
Kansas | 2,913,314 | 424,108 | 14.55758 % |
West Virginia | 1,792,147 | 259,585 | 14.48458 % |
Texas | 28,995,881 | 4,170,584 | 14.38337 % |
Delaware | 973,764 | 139,874 | 14.36426 % |
Nevada | 3,080,156 | 441,021 | 14.31814 % |
Nebraska | 1,934,408 | 275,694 | 14.25211 % |
Missouri | 6,137,428 | 857,726 | 13.97533 % |
North Carolina | 10,488,084 | 1,449,002 | 13.81570 % |
Minnesota | 5,639,632 | 755,525 | 13.39671 % |
New Jersey | 8,882,190 | 1,180,388 | 13.28938 % |
Illinois | 12,671,821 | 1,671,079 | 13.18736 % |
New York | 19,453,561 | 2,501,128 | 12.85692 % |
Ohio | 11,689,100 | 1,494,160 | 12.78251 % |
New Mexico | 2,096,829 | 263,755 | 12.57876 % |
Colorado | 5,758,736 | 709,385 | 12.31842 % |
California | 39,512,223 | 4,829,415 | 12.22258 % |
Michigan | 9,986,857 | 1,217,412 | 12.19014 % |
Massachusetts | 6,892,503 | 833,311 | 12.09011 % |
Pennsylvania | 12,801,989 | 1,506,609 | 11.76855 % |
Connecticut | 3,565,287 | 397,123 | 11.13860 % |
Virginia | 8,535,519 | 902,938 | 10.57860 % |
New Hampshire | 1,359,711 | 128,047 | 9.41722 % |
Washington | 7,614,893 | 697,362 | 9.15787 % |
Maryland | 6,045,680 | 549,911 | 9.09593 % |
District of Columbia | 705,749 | 62,976 | 8.92329 % |
Oregon | 4,217,737 | 348,766 | 8.26903 % |
Maine | 1,344,212 | 97,725 | 7.27006 % |
Puerto Rico | 3,193,694 | 216,889 | 6.79116 % |
Vermont | 623,989 | 37,069 | 5.94065 % |
Hawaii | 1,415,872 | 79,697 | 5.62883 % |
COVID-19 confirmed case numbers from The New York Times data repository, based on reports from state and local health agencies.
Population numbers from the US Census Bureau Data API (2019)
John Beiting
June 7th, 2020 at 3:17 pm
Is the chart showing all Covid-19 cases since the pandemic started, or currently active ones, removing the recovered and died?
June 19th, 2020 at 6:43 pm
This is total cases since the pandemic started.
June 28th, 2020 at 1:06 pm
What dataset are you using? Iâm using the John Hopkins covid-19 dataset from github and my numbers are a little different than yours?
July 9th, 2020 at 3:20 pm
I was originally use John Hopkins dataset back in March, but then I switched to use the COVID-19 numbers from The New York Times data repository because I found them more accurate, or at least updated more quickly (at least for Florida which is the state I compared with my state Health Departmentâs numbers).
(I do use the John Hopkins dataset for the global numbers for the global rate of increase tracker and the Percent of Poplution Global tracker.)
D Gieseman
July 1st, 2020 at 2:56 pm
Thank you, I could not find this info anywhere else, we need to know this virus as a percentage. For instance California has a large percentage of the virus but has a large population. As such, the State has done well in comparison to other States in containment of the virus
July 7th, 2020 at 11:29 pm
Absolutely people should wear masks. . Wearing a mask is a form of protection for others. We do not know the percentage of asymptomatic carriers
July 20th, 2020 at 8:28 pm
Masks are USELESS at stopping virus from entering or exiting the airway. Most educated people know this. Viruses are approximately 120 â 130 microns in size; and wearing a mask to stop a VIRUS is akin to installing a screen door on a submarine to prevent water from entering. Connect the dots. People have been lied to!. Peopleâs businesses have been forced to shut down over otherwise inconsequential percentages, which only a decade ago would never pass for detstroying an entire economy, creating arbitrary rules as to which businesses are âessentialâ or non-essential. Iâll tell you who is non-essential: all of these corrupt governors from democrat States who are destroying the lives and businesses of thousands over utterly minuscule percentages and a virus which has been entirely overblown â according to the medical establishment. Masks are only effective at stopping bacteria and spit from a sneeze from flying across a room. They are USELESS for viruses unless youâre have a N95 type.
August 4th, 2020 at 9:13 am
@ Skip â Iâve read that same comparison and itâs true that that virus itself is very tiny, but it does not travel as a single cell. It travels in vapor from our breath, which is MUCH larger and WILL get trapped by a mask. This is why, for example, nursing home cases went down once masks were given to visiting nurses (prior, masks were saved for hospitals and visiting nurses wore no masks).
The bottom line: to stop spreading this virusâŠwe need to stop spreading it! That means not breathing on anyone. Thatâs all it takes.
August 21st, 2020 at 6:55 pm
Stop breathing on anyone? I wasnât breathing on people before this plandemic started, why would I be breathing on anyone now? How about we all just stop breathing?
This is all nonsense to get people to accept a mandatory vaccine. Neither the CDC (a government agency) nor the WHO (a UN agency) can be trusted.
Mary Giordano
September 26th, 2020 at 4:28 pm
I believe youâve been lied to & chosen to accept the lie as truth. The truth is elementals to understand & do: wear a mask (or 2) whenever you go outside your home & around ppl. Just do it to protect yourself & others around you. FACT: If you decide masks are too uncomfortable & restricting, youâre really not going to like being on a ventilator. Think of it as sparing you and someone else from getting sick. This is for your safetyâŠlike obeying traffic signs; itâs for everyoneâs safety. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be responsible for your actions.
September 25th, 2020 at 10:40 pm
I have had this same debate. Look up CDC data for SARS. If the mask has three layers and is worn tightly across the mouth and noise which nobody does, it can block up to 40% of water droplets. However, more recent studies have shown that in the actual transmittal of the disease they are not effective. By the way, a water droplet size that can carry the virus is 1um. If you look at Dav idâs post that is 37 times smaller than the cloth mask sieve or weave openings of the best cloth.
In addition, the water droplets with the virus can get on the mask, dry out, and the virus breathed in through the mask before it dies. This is low probability because it could also be blown off the mask when breathing out, but it is not zero. Even the N95 mask which blocks particles 3X larger than the COVID virus 95% of the time is not full proof.
Look at the true data on Sweden where they did not enforce masks and shutdowns. The news media will have you believe that Sweden is terrible, but they have been in single digit or zero deaths per day since mid July! They have 5,880 total deaths for a population of 10,343,403 or 56.85 per 100,000 versus New York at 173 deaths per 100,000! What happens is herd immunity. Younger people get the virus and their system kills it. They eject dead virus and other people get it. It builds up their immune system. This is what happened in Sweden.
January 27th, 2021 at 10:42 am
Sweden has changed their policies to recommend masks.
This thread has a lot of misinformation. Masks are an effective tool to reduce sharing Illness. Shed dead virus from healthy people being shared via happenstance is not how heard immunity works.
Masks are an important part of this. Just as they are essential infection control in clinical settings. Additionally, reducing your viral load has been linked to lower severity. So the bugs and leaves that the screen door keeps out may actually be a big deal for your mortality.
Fighting a problem like Covid requires continuous updating of the latest information for decisions, not finding a thing that meets your expectations and using it to justify your own preferences.
If you arenât a molecular Biologist or an epidemiologist, a researcher in the field, or other person on the cutting edge of this battle please consider that your âinsightâ may be missing crucial information. The best in their fields of those who study these things for a living are always asking about what they are missing.
August 13th, 2020 at 10:55 pm
I am with you. My company NO MASK NO WORK so I do wear it at work but it comes off when I walk out the door. I donât wear the mask and I wonât be getting vaccination shot.
January 24th, 2021 at 12:37 pm
Mask do not have to stop the virus particles themselves, they stop the droplets expelled by sneezing, coughing, etc. which contain the virus. Many studies have proven that they are effective at this. And the main purpose of masks is not to protect the wearer, it is to prevent infected people from spewing those droplets and infecting others.
February 5th, 2021 at 11:23 am
The large particles actually do not have live virus. They are on the small particles and masks do nothing. Just look at the rate of infection after the masks were implemented and you will see that it had no effect what so ever. Check out the following.
Grayton Sands
July 20th, 2020 at 9:17 am
Can you post countries testing for Covid as a percentage of population and sort that as how the countries are doing with Covid?
Darren B
September 1st, 2020 at 9:25 am
I would like to see the 15-day moving average of daily new cases as a percentage of population by state. This will tell you more about the rate of the current spread by state versus telling us about rate of infection going back to March. We are 6 months into this so the simple average is 1/6th of the total average. If the US has about 1.5% of the population having had COVID at some point, this represents a daily infection rate of 0.25% of the population. Is the 15 day moving average greater or less than this 0.25%? I would think less than based on the data I have seen.
September 1st, 2020 at 7:29 pm
I agree, good idea. Did not think of a â15-day moving averageâ when I first started tracking this in March. I will soon make a new tracker for that. Related, Iâm tracking the daily increase rate for the USA as a whole, and also the daily increase rate for only Florida.
September 3rd, 2020 at 12:00 pm
2% confirmed cases in 6 mos. 94% of deaths had one or several co-mirbidity factors according the CDC and if you look at the CDCâs excess death measure it isnât much higher than the 180k deaths attributed to COVID 19. This just inâŠHumans are mortal. Sadly we get old and die and even more sadly some of us die from health issues before we get the chance to grow old. Some of these factors are out of our control like my niece who has CF. Some of them are impacted by lifestyle choices like my uncle who smoked and died of young from emphysema. I think more dialog around what we can do to keep a healthy immune system so that our bodies can do what human bodies have been doing for 100000 years in fighting the never ending battle against viruses would be more productive than pretending that this one novel virus is the embodiment of 7 horses of the apocalypse. Keep calm and carry on people.
September 17th, 2020 at 9:47 am
I read all of these and you spoke bluntly so Iâm replying to you. We spent $6T, thatâs 15 zeros on âcontainmentâ. 195K deaths. Do the math. Millions of $ on each death with a 6% morbidity rate âsolelyâ due to coronavirus. Itâs BS.
One post was also blunt but failed to be completely accurate, again, math tells the story. A coronavirus (virion) is .12 microns in diameter. The US Textile industry publishes a âsieveâ rating for materials that it manufactures. A very good mask is 400 thread count cotton. That has a sieve rating of 37 microns. One hole in a 400 count cotton mask will eject or inhale about 296 X 296 (8700+-) coronavirus virions. Yes a mask might help in a rare case, but even an N-95 only filters out larger particles. Believe me, youâre breathing it.
Last, the vaccine is not the answer, treatment is. A 99% cure rate is already possible, for everyone. Itâs time to live our lives in freedom, not fear. Death is inevitable, and should reflect a good life, not a politically correct experiment gone haywire!
September 24th, 2020 at 9:12 pm
David, A mask with a hole in it? How does the virions compare to a mask with no holes or a good mask-less sneeze? The amount of virions inhaled matters. We all have probably inhaled some and our immune system has taken care of it. Being inundated is a different scenario. I question the number of dollars spent to contain the virus when broken down. Loans are not gifts and aid to stimulate the economy is not containment.
September 30th, 2020 at 8:25 am
Dan. Certainly a fair question. All masks have openings (holes) in them or you couldnât breathe at all through them. The better the mask, the more uniform and usually smaller the hole size. N-95 masks filter out 95% of the airborne particles in the air, but necessarily let 5% pass through,etc. etc.
You are exactly right in that the amount of virions matter. If you want immunity, the dead virions, or those incapable of commanding a replication from the cells they attach to, are where you get that naturally. Many vaccines are simply dead, neutral, or weak virions, injected into the person for just that reason.
The cost of the coronavirus containment is pure arithmetic. Iâll let it stand on its own. Anyone can check it.
Politics is ALWAYS about $$$. I agree with that. I believe the biggest travesty in all of this is that the Truth about any of it is being buried by partisan agendas with no concern for public service, or the governmentâs duty to spend wisely!
Rebecca Battaglia
October 16th, 2020 at 1:38 am
I agree with you, our society has many co-morbidities to a fault of their own, eating processed foods causing inflammation ie: sugar. We need to be more prudent with good nutrition coming from good soil, not running to big pharma at first sneeze.
Lynn Brown
September 23rd, 2020 at 12:40 pm
Do you have anything on hospitalizations? Do you think Alabama has more cases because we are testing more now or is it something else because our death rate definitely does not correspond with the number of cases
October 27th, 2020 at 7:46 pm
I am from ny
the rate of infection/death
was very high here when we knew nothing/did nothing about it
but once we became aware our rates went down
much of wearing a mask is the complete psychology of it
I do not wear a mask when I leave my home
but I alter my path to stay away from others
when I go in a store I am efficient-getting what I need quickly always managing my space as well as I can while I wear a mask
then remove it after leaving-usually allowing it to breathe
while it hangs from my hand-washing it later
there is no sure way to fight this virus-
there is only â doing everything reasonable/possible
to limit its spread-
but most important is awareness-
limiting your time and space
around others especially in closed areas
and being extra careful with washing hands/not touching face
this virus is not smarter than us-
it simply does what it does-effectively
the question isâŠare we capable of learning
and accepting the need for uncomfortable anti-social behavior
for a consistent/long enough period of time
to reduce its spread instead of assisting it to spread
good luck everyoneâŠplease stay well
Patricia Smith
November 12th, 2020 at 8:07 pm
I see only 3% of our state population has the virus. It seems statistically hard to get it, and even harder to die from it. Where I live, itâs just a low number. I can see why people donât want to stay home and wear masks for what is really no more risky than getting regular flu any winter season. 3% if about the same number as flu-patients any other winter. But undeniably, two neighbors have died of it.
January 4th, 2021 at 5:00 pm
When was the last time two of your neighbors died of the flu? The COVID virus is FAR more dangerous than the flu and much more contagious.
Sonya Appel
November 26th, 2020 at 10:47 am
Why is it spreading and infecting so many now when the majority are wearing masks and they are the ones being infected.
Do not say that [its those NOT wearing a mask spreading it] as the mask wearers would not be affected as it is the âprotectionâ from it, if those masks were so effective controlling the spread and there would not be a [resurgence]. How many of the [cases] are mild, serious, severe, hospitalized and deaths and how many âpositiveâ âcasesâ have no symptoms (not enough viral load to be sick or pass it on to others). This matters as those percentages show the real issues as IF it is to be FEARED.
No one cared or was lightly covered in the media about the flu and how many [cases] there were, most didnât go to the Dr. so they were not [reported] and people didnât just go out and get tested for it when they didnât have symptoms or were just around someone with it. The flu DOES KILL a certain percentage just as it does with corona and they are just as DEAD and have SUFFERED with it.
There were not daily and hundreds of articles saying how deadly it was (over 65000) and how it had to be feared if you got it and how to prevent it. The media didnât tell people to fear it so they did not.
The media is presenting, promoting, propagandizing, hyping and politicizing corona as the be all end all of what to be feared that will kill you if you get it. This is not true and the reporting of it is shabby at best with no real statistics and the differences of those statistics that show the real issues.
They are still reporting that over 200,000 have died FROM IT when they have already ADMITTED that those numbers were not true and that most every death in the U S was from corona when they were not. Why keep using that false number except to sensationalize and propagandize.
People get it and think they are [dying] when it is not going to do this but they feel bad (as normal as they are SICK. You do not feel good when you are sick, but you are not dying). I have had the flue twice and the second time was hospitalized because of complications of the pneumonia so I know what it is like.
I am high risk now and do not fear it and it will not dictate my life. I will not go out and get tested if I do not have symptoms nor if I have cold/allergy symptoms or have been around someone who has tested positive. It is my life and I have the responsibility to direct it, so do others for theirs and I am not responsible for their choices in that, and they are not for mine. They do not have the authority to do that for me either.
November 28th, 2020 at 8:28 am
Agreed. You also have the responsibility to tell the Truth, as you just did. THAT is what others, particularly our âleadersâ are not doing. Big government is crying âwolf!â The panicked people you meet are not lying, just repeating the lies that they have heard. âChicken Little!â
The real story is obvious to all who read the death toll, overall, in the US. The definition of a âcoronavirus deathâ doesnât support the shift in other causes of death. We were told to shut down to avoid 2 million+ COVID deaths. We did, and that hasnât happened. The national death rate is average or below average. COVID is just a replacement for the others. Google is making that search harder and harder to do. On average, around 8000 people die every day in the US. 2020 is no different.
Fear is a common tool used by tyrants. You expressed lack of fear and refusal to embrace it when itâs presented with no basis in fact. Good for you! We need more free thinkers, and fewer lemmings.
February 21st, 2021 at 8:48 am
You are right. Sonya check out green tea extract or Quercetin with zinc for use in case you do get sick. In the meantime take vit D with magnesium and vitamin c to build up your immune system. No reason to hide and tremble, like so many others.
Jeremiah B. Froege
November 29th, 2020 at 4:30 pm
hi.. thanks for the info. guessing 1? column woud be missing (not sure if call it per us capita / i am not a math guy), but for example, if there are 100 people in the state vs 100 people in a room would reflect some more true danger.. then that would be good to know. thanks â dave
November 30th, 2020 at 7:47 pm
I donât see it that way. I just think the two aspects of COVID that are being ignored or glossed over are the reason that it causes so much fear. It is not as contagious as they say. It is not as deadly as they say. It is not killing people like they said it would. The mask and the vaccine are âthe answerâ to the perception, not the problem.
December 13th, 2020 at 2:58 pm
Donât you mean censored and suppressed?
I think weâre being groomed for compliance to accommodate the goals towards an agenda??
Even some of the Republican Governors are drinking the Fauci koolaid. Ohio has roughly the same percentage as Florida, but our guy has a lineup of complicit docs snapping at us like disobedient children.
January 5th, 2021 at 9:57 pm
Yes, I do mean censored, and suppressed. Hydroxychloroquine works. Ivermectin works. The therapeutic tacts that doctors took originally were common sense and were effective. The push to buy into a monstrous world wide vaccination program solves nothing, and again is rife with inaccuracy, ineffectiveness, and manipulation.
The âagendaâ you speak of is âAgenda 21â all the way from 1979. Introduced to America by George HW Bush in 1992. Yes, Republicans are involved too.
February 21st, 2021 at 8:38 am
Quercetin with Zinc works. The Quercetin is the channel into the cell, the zinc kills it. I used this the first day with symptoms after my son and his wife infected me. Yes, they both wore masks. My son was sick for a week because he has asthma and started the Quercetin later. Masks donât work. I was sick for three days with this virus at age 68. I have immune issues. .This virus is contagious, but has weakened, obviously. You can see it in the graph showing deaths. Yet, I donât trust the numbers coming out of the varying state health departments. Itâ all political and an excuse to control us and implement an agenda we would never allow otherwise. We need to stop cowering over a virus with a 99% recovery rate.
January 27th, 2021 at 10:52 am
Thank you. Great site.
Would you consider making a table showing percent of population in US and by state since the beginning:
-Testing positive
-received at least the first dose of vaccine.(is this info accurately available?)
And update weekly.
This would tell us the % of population -possibly- no longer able to infect others.
Combined with routine prevention practices and high groups taking
Higher precautions it may help avoid deaths.
Of course anyone in country who is not in any of the databases would Alter the picture we get.
Levi Call
February 13th, 2021 at 10:27 pm
Your data conflicts with some simple math Iâve used to compute what percent of Utahsâ population has contracted COVID. The population of the state is about 3.16 million and the number of cases contracted there is 360,584 according to the NY times. This puts the percentage of population who have tested positive at less than 8.8 percent, not 11.2 percent. What could be causing this conflict in data?