WordPress Plugin to Delete MailChimp Subscribers With Zero Click Rate and Open Rate

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This WordPress plugin lets you delete all subscribers from your MailChimp list that have not clicked on or even opened any emails that you sent, but only those that subscribed before a certain date.

Those are otherwise known as “useless subscribers.”

This WordPress plugin is useful for people who are using MailChimp’s free tier which limits the number of your subscribers to 2000. If you have reached your max 2000 subscribers, but you know that many of these subscribers have not even looked at your email campaigns in many months, this plugin lets you delete the useless subscribers so that you may allow new subscribers to sign up.

Technically, this will delete members from your list that meet this criteria:

  • Their “click rate” is 0. (This means they have never clicked on the inside of your emails.)
  • Their “open rate” is 0. (This means they have never opened one of your emails.)
  • They subscribed before the date that you specify.

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To install the “MailChimp Delete Useless” plugin, follow these steps.

  1. Download the plugin (it’s a .zip file).
  2. Upload the .zip file into your WordPress admin > Plugins > Add New page. Click Install Now, then click Activate Plugin.

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To use the plugin, go to your WordPress admin > Tools > MailChimp Delete. You will see this:

WordPress Plugin to Delete MailChimp Subscribers With Zero Click Rate and Open Rate


  1. Enter your MailChimp API key (you will only have to enter this once).
  2. Enter the MailChimp list ID for the subscriber list that you want to delete members from.
  3. Enter a “Before Date.” The plugin will only delete members that were added to the list before this date (and also have a “click rate” and “open rate” of zero).
  4. The “Dry Run” checkbox – Check this box if you want to do a test run. A test run will give you the total number of subscribers that would be deleted for the conditions that you enter. To do a test run, check this box and click DELETE SUBSCRIBERS. If you want to actually delete the subscribers, don’t check this box.
  5. When you are ready to delete your useless subscribers, click DELETE SUBSCRIBERS.

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